Open (Female)
Dam: My Peruvian Midnight Mistress
Service Sire: Delphi's Favillo
Danica has inherited her Sire's wonderful fleece! Her dam has produced multiple blue ribbon winners!!! Great bloodlines. Danica has sound conformation and a strong sturdy frame that is definite...
Dam: OTG Mystic Whisper
Service Sire: Stonyridge Korax
A little true black beauty who is loaded with Grey Genetics- Mystic Whisper, Grey Wing, Miss Broadway, Nic Nac, Pecosa. Raven is one of the softest alpaca's we own. Raven is due with her first c...
Dam: Evergreen Elegant's Danica
Service Sire: BPCA Edward
Nice brown girl, good confirmation. This girl would make a nice addition to a herd and she has some nice crimp to her fiber (call for a fiber sample). ...
Bred (Female)
Dam: Treasured Peruvian Ostara
Service Sire: Stoneyridge Comstock
Herdsire (Male)
Dam: HA Amber Dawn
Versace carries the genetics of Don Timbo, Camelot, and Gold the added value of the best production females from two well respected Ohio farms. With those kind of credentials, it is no ...
SOS has developed nicely, crimp, bone structure, size. He is a full package. We will start breeding SOS this fall....
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